Full-Cycle Internet Real Estate Property Management
Website project Analysis, Design, Development, Maintance, Marketing and Advertising Services
Online Business Setup and Optimization Services
We can offer you full-cycle web property development based on your specific product or service needs. This includes product/service online brief marketing and competition analysis. Major factors for success in the online business is competitive services on competitive prices – meaning that cheapest seller almost always wins the sale. We offer the whole design and implementation if sufficient product/service information is provided.
Once the base website is completed we offer Internet Marketing with both SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) in AdWords and Google Business Express Ads. This can deliver high-quality traffic at a reasonable price. SEO is a must for every new business that intends stable long term growth as it may be a bit of an investment during the setup process as it requires a lot of efforts to get ranked well on the google SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).
Website maintenance and changes can be easily requested by sending email to our support team. Changes are completed usually in less than 24 hours (during regular business days).
Recently Completed Projects:
Hoverboard Bulgaria – Hoverboard and electric scooters store
WordPress Hosting Services – by DotCOM Services, Ltd.
The first Golden Rule – Content is King
There are only few Golden Rules in website development, but the first and most important rule is that Content is Kind and if you have good content, you shall rule the web. That’s very simple, and most of you might say that it can’t be really that easy, but the truth...
How to determine the best Keyword Density
The biggest challenge I ever had was to find out a nice algorithm for determining the best possible keyword density for search engine onsite content optimization. I red numerous books, articles, and even blogs, but none of them really explained what is the best...
Choosing your Website Domain Name
Domaining – the business of buying and reselling domain names had became flourishing industry for people that were able to acquire generic keywords for products and services the last few years. Since the dot Com boom in 1995, domains had become extremely important...
Website Content and Good Page Layout for SEO
Since nowadays most internet visits are done via Mobile Phones and Tablets, having Responsive Website Design Layout is a must! Beautiful presentation on all screen sizes allows good user experience and brings more business! Google knows that and prefers websites that...
How to choose good web page titles
Some of you might laugh on that post, but it is a well known fact that about 90% of the websites out there are with sloppy titles that do not convert well. If your website has a good title you can enjoy two major benefits your pages will be ranked very well on the...
How to choose our website keywords.
Keywords are the most important factor for your website. Keywords are the "key" elements to your internet success and they have to be chosen very carefully and sometimes it‘s advisable to get professional help in order to bring the optimal search engine performance....
How to Rank N:1 on Google and MSN Search Engines with Free Organic Listings
Few years ago if you knew how to rank top ten on Google and MSN was considered to be similar to Magic, but nowadays things changed quite a lot. The art of Search Engine Optimization grew quite popular the last few years as internet marketing because essential to all...
How to list your website on the Search Engines and start receiving visitors
Many new web owners have don‘t know how to start their website to actually receive visitors and that‘s quite common. People sit and wait for a miracle to happen and their website to rank high and get listed on the search engines, but in reality this does not happen...
The Benefits of using Google Sitemaps
Recently there was this big discussion if Google Sitemaps is a good thing or worthless extras, but let me share with you the true story. Sitemaps is one of the best inventions introduced by Google and is now even adopted with Yahoo and you won‘t be amazed when you...
Best PC Security Software
Everyone knows that computer security is extremely important mostly because it saves up a lot of troubles. Since 2003 I've became great fan of the ESET Smart Security Software. It comes in a package of Real Time System and Network Anti-virus/Anti-Malware/Firewall...
Joomla 1.5 administrator unable to login after update fix
If you just upgraded your Joomla 1.5 and you can't log in to the Joomla 1.5 administrator area or User Login then I may be able to help you fix it. This "bug" seems to be present in nearly all Joomla 1.5 releases. Fix is to enable Joomla Users in the Plugins database...
Second Site included in DMOZ
I just found out that our corporate website was listed into the DMOZ. The weird part is that I did not apply for DMOZ listing for that site and the description that is set seems auto-generated which most probably means that DMOZ is actively including new quality...
Faithful request for Website inclusion into the DMOZ
Since we all know that a DMOZ listing is considered as primary directory index factor -- shows with some relevant degree your website's category in the internet space -- I've decided that after yesterday's "design" review on my website that I will try and request DMOZ...
NEW Site Performance Metrics by Google
Pretty much what I've been telling everybody (see my previous post) that Google is now increasing their interest in Optimized Website Performance - Faster Website Load Time. This is now finally evident in the new Site Performance Tool in the Google Webmaster Labs...
SEO Web Hosting: How to improve your Crawl Rates
Most people don't realize the importance of web hosting for SEO until they get in trouble. That's pretty much my story. In order to save some money on hosting bills I've moved my whole website network to a single VPS server (with dedicated IPs for each website) when...
Web Security: Is your Website Secure? Mine was hacked 🙁
It is really sad that some times even the techies get hacked and its even worse when they don't know it.! I'll give you my story In general I'm considering myself as Internet Security literate as I have some previous experience in misc software development and took a...
How to build your own MFA dollar a day site
Everyone wants to know how to make easy money, and MFA sites are pretty much the easiest money on the internet. Let me explain why: As the internet grows, the number of Online Marketing aware companies or better known to you and me as Advertisers has grown in times....
Advanced Link Building: Filtering Good links from Bad links
As you all know link building is the most important thing for any web marketer. Unfortunately Search Engines like Google and Yahoo are against unnatural link building as they believe that our search engine market should be solely in the hands of our visitors. As you...