Today I found a thread on DP that somebody while digging up the web and looking for new posts by Matt Cutts (the chief engineer of Search Quality at Google) accidentally stumbled at something quite interesting. He found a new patent application filed by Matt Cutts for the new Google raking algorithms that are surprisingly the secret weapon if fighting spam and paid links. That topic is really hot in my point of view and I couldn’t wait to digg into that.
After few hours of reading and analysing what the patent text was really about I was able to compose a short (2 page) compilation with my own comments on the Google ranking algorithm and what it really means. That article was posted on my newly acquired website To read the article please click The new Google Patent and the new quality guidelines . This article should help webmasters understand the new trends that Google is heading. Most of this things I had predicted long time ago by simply investigating the Google search interface, but at that point nobody really listened to me …
It’s so sad that when I was trying to convince people that Google is tracking the Clicks on the search results and based on that is adjusting its rankings people simply laughed at me and now when they officially published it hey give me respect points .. ha ha ha …
If yo’re interested in SEO or webmaster you should definitely read that article as it shows up some interesting facts that nobody knew before and are going to become even more crucial for good search engine rankings.